Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To Homeschool, or Not to Homeschool, That is the Question!

So, here is the first post on my new homeschooling blog! I have discussed some of my developing thoughts on homeschooling on my family blog here. I will keep posting family things on that blog, but I wanted to have a separate place to be able to organize, record, and discuss my children's schooling.

After a bit of research, I have decided that I really like the Charlotte Mason (CM) method/philosophy as well as the Classical method. And, as it turns out, they are very easy to combine.

I will post more later about the specifics of the CM and Classical methods and where I agree/disagree with them, but for now I want to elaborate on why we've chosen to homeschool.

Many people think of homeschoolers as fringe, government-despising, Christian fundamentalists who wish to isolate their children from the evils of society and indoctrinate them in bizarre beliefs incompatible with mainstream culture. While I think that all kids need some protection from the very real evils that are in any society, I think that this stereotype is a shame. I don't know how it breaks down statistically, but there are many people who choose to homeschool who are not of the fundamentalist ilk, and many who are not even Christian (it isn't as if we have a monopoly on the idea of home education!). For most I think it comes down to very personal, individual reasons, as it does for us.

We are taking our children's education one year at a time. This year Sean will turn five December 12, which is ten days after the enrollment cut-off for public school Kindergarten in our state. This means that he cannot enroll this year. I believe, however, that he is more than ready. In the subject of Language Arts, he either meets or exceeds every single state achievement standard (and these are goals to be reached at the end of Kindergarten). So, what do you do with an eager learner who isn't allowed in school yet? (And private school is too expensive, too far away, etc.) Well, it looks like homeschooling is not only the best option for Sean this year, but it is the only one!!

I've also looked into local charter schools, but they won't take him until he turns five (basically for second semester) because they are funded through the public system. So, hopefully this Spring he can enroll at River Springs Charter School. This would still allow me to homeschool, but I would have a supervising teacher to ensure he's meeting state standards (although I am a credentialed teacher!), access to fieldtrips, group activities, and on-site classes, as well as a large yearly stipend to buy curriculum (obviously non-religious). In this school he can also go at his own pace (i.e. he can move above-grade in his work or linger on subjects/areas he needs help in). I'm very grateful we have such resources and choices available within the public system, and I intend to take full advantage of my tax dollars!! :)

After some long years of just doing home and mommy stuff, I am finally beginning to feel like I'm using my education and expertise!! I am enjoying lesson planning, organizing our supplies, ordering curriculum (!!expensive!!), researching educational methodologies, and, of course, teaching! I will soon post such things as our daily schedule and our curriculum.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog about our family school, and please leave any comments or questions! Thank you!

~ Heather

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