Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sean's Schedule

Here is a schedule I made for our homeschool. We pretty much follow it, but I have found that certain times are off. For instance, we sometimes start later (8:30 or 8:45 instead of 8) and have more frequent breaks between subjects, or even move subjects around as needed. However, it is easy to fit it all in, since many subjects are very short. I have found it helps to have a schedule, even if we don't always stick to it. (You can left-click and view in another window/tab to see it larger.)

Also, please note that I added our curriculum list to the side-bar. Just scroll down and you'll see it on the right-hand side.

1 comment:

  1. Heather Dear........
    You are an amazing woman and your children are blessed to have you as their Mother! I know you are suited to the homeschool schedule and your philosophy is endearing and perfect for your sweet family. May all God's blessings be poured on you as you begin this amazing journey. There is no greater gift than to see your children (and grandchildren!) happy, healthy, eager to learn....and loved!!!

